Healy's Commando Krav maga
Integrated Combat Solutions
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Only paid up students can be a Member. inquiries?

Images used are historical records
Why I resigned twice from Mr Yun
INTEGRITY of * MIND * BODY * SPIRIT is our Core PRINCIPAL Master Graham Healy
Yun Jung Do-Healy & HISDA Healy's Intergraded Self-defense Academy are registered separate business entities under Healy's Health
all images used on this web site are for the purpose of promoting Yun Jung Do-Healy & HISDA
Master Graham Healy is a Original founding International Instructor of Yun Jung Do in 1988 History click HERE
Note: AFTER PAY payment plans (available) = 4 payments ( 1 every 2 weeks ) AFTER PAY appears on last page of pmt checkout
Note: AFTER PAY payment plans (available) = 4 payments ( 1 every 2 weeks ) AFTER PAY appears on last page of pmt checkout
Search Results
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Services (9)
- Healy's Musculoskeletal
$150 initial appointment may take 1.5 hrs thereafter $120 regular appointment Graham Healy holds a masters in Dry Needling and 5 years University level studies in med-science as well as 40 years real life experience
- Workshop Commando Krav Maga
Commando Krav maga Private Tuition Graham Healy has 40 years in self-defence experience with 3 main systems Boxing, Commando Krav Maga -Intergrated Combat , Tae kwon do -yun Jung Do He teaches you the correct technique without any Ego just the (family friendly approach) Ring 0411 393 503 for appointment Graham Healy
- Graham Healy
Commando Krav maga Private Tuition Graham Healy has 40 years in self-defence experience with 3 main systems Boxing, Commando Krav Maga -Intergrated Combat , Tae kwon do -yun Jung Do He teaches you the correct technique without any Ego just the (family friendly approach) Ring 0411 393 503 for appointment Graham Healy
Events (35)
- 18 May 2024 | 4:00 amunit 2/5 Ada St, Taringa QLD 4068, Australia
- Healy's Integrated Instant Counter Attack (1)Tickets: $51.2519 August 2023 | 4:00 am5 Ada St, Taringa QLD 4068, Australia
- Healy's Integrated Instant Counter AttackTickets: $25.6314 August 2023 | 8:00 am5 Ada St, Taringa QLD 4068, Australia
Other Pages (30)
- New Page | Commando Krav Maga Integrated Combat | Brisbane
Yun Jung Do (basic kicks and stretching class ) Non Contact Non Competitive Integrated combat (basic self defence ) includes weapon defence Boxing (skills and drills) Book a Call NOW ! (Click Link Below) .https://calendly.com/healyshealthandfitness2/start-a-yun-jung-do-class Book Private lessons 9th dan Certificate Coach check Timeline Video Images used are historical records Master Graham Healy Master Graham med-science degree video of Full timeline history of Master Graham Healy Master Healy's 12 wk Challange Integrated Combat Kids Flexibility Training Antibullying course Integrated Combat Solutions Healys Boxing Academy
- Pay Pal Payments | Commando Krav Maga Integrated Combat | Brisbane
Yun Yung Do International, the Human Art founded by Grandmaster Young Ku-Yun, Authorised Instructor Graham Healy Healy's Integrated self-defense Academy ( Healy's Health ABN 50-7110604-560) operates its business entity with Trade Marked (TM) logos Plans SHOP Plans sign up here www.afterpay.com Afterpay now available (allows 4 payments in 2weekly installments ) EASY ! The Buy Now tab enables you to pay the total amount due in one payment. This will also generate a comfirmation receipt email. Visit pass packages Term Membership packages sign up here www.afterpay.com Afterpay now available (allows 4 payments in 2weekly installments ) EASY ! .Payment system : Cash or Direct transfer to : Healys Health BSB 084-263 ACC 48-163-7810 (receipts and tax-invoices given upon request.) (email or sms confirmation of any payments (Diret transfer or pay pal) must be received prior to visit passes being issued. To: healyshealthandfitness@hotmail.com Sms: Graham Healy Mob 0411-393-503 Visit pass packages This way you can pay by any credit card or direct with pay pal and set the amount in monthly installments if mutually agreed with Healys Health via email confirmation & sms. healyshealthandfitness@hotmail.com Sms: graham Healy Mob 0411-393-503 Pay Pal payments You can pay via pay-pal direct on our web-site . This enables you to use credit cards via the pay pal system. (any part payments or split-payments must be approved before hand) Pay Pal Payments pre-payment on pay-pal must be received and funds cleared before the issuing of Training Cards (Visit passes) YJD (under 18 years ) Indemity Term Membership packages YJD membership Form Adults * regarding FREE UNIFORM only available on the 20 visit pass, we must recieve height (for sizes) family deal is 2 Free and 50% off thereafter (in other words say a family of 4 people = 2 free uniforms plus 2 @ 50% off = $30x 2 = $60 total of 4 uniforms) *Coloured Belts not included normally $10 *YJD badges $5 , *Black belts $20 *Embroidered Grey belts $30 *T-shirts $30 ( heavy duty cotton) FREE UNIFORM only provided upon full payment of 20 visit pass and a once only deal, therafter regular uniform prices apply , however there may be discounts on purchase of more then one uniform at a time (please contact Graham Healy) all Free Uniform deals must be confirmed by email with receipt of 20 visit pass payment. email to Graham Healy @ healyshealthandfitness@hotmail.com Or Mobile 0411-393-503 Coloured Belts $10 Aud Now Black uniforms with Healy's (tm) Logos Adults Sizes $40Aud S-M-L-XL-XXL SHOP Kids $35 aud S-M-L Heavy duty cotton SHOP (1) select Size, YJD or HISDA, Adults' or Kids (2) Pay ($30 adult or $25 kids) (+$9 freight on single orders) (If 4 or more no freight charge) (3) copy transaction via email to: Graham Healy Mobile 0411393503 (SMS transaction copy) healyshealthandfitness@hotmail.com SHOP YJD Book Preview sign up here www.afterpay.com SHOP Afterpay now available (allows 4 payments in 2weekly installments ) EASY ! YJD Book Preview https://www.paypal.com/au/webapps/mpp/qrcodeHeading 6 (1)Scan Just open the PayPal app and press "Scan". Hold your phone up to the QR code. It's a lot like taking a picture with your camera. (2)Pay Enter the amount due and press "Send". (3)Go The app automatically generates a payment confirmation. Just show it to the cashier to confirm the amount paid is correct and go - touch-free. SHOP (1)Scan (2)Pay (3)Go Punch brand Focus Shield AAA Quality go to direct link (northern martial arts supplies) Focus Pads and boxing mitts Buy direct from K-mail (click above images for direct link ) Yun Jung Do Page YJD Teaching Options Contact page
- Yjd Rehab Yoda Style | Commando Krav Maga Integrated Combat | Brisbane
Yun Yung Do International, the Human Art founded by Grandmaster Young Ku-Yun, Authorised Instructor Graham Healy YUN JUNG DO "REHAB STRETCHING YODA STYLE" (Rehab stretching with a purpose) YUN JUNG DO "REHAB STRETCHING YODA STYLE" 30 minutes of Rehabilitation "yoda style" stretching while listening to meditation music A Complete self-adjusting Rehab System within itself Testimonies like : Rachel "I was a competitive figure skater and lost a lot of flexibility until I started "Yoda Style " Rehab Stretching Classes about 4 weeks ago. It's amazing how quickly I've gained my old level of flexibility back and the stretching has also helped with rehabilitation of my knee and hip injuries from competitive sport." _________________________________ "My frozen hip " is now freed up only after 4 sessions ! " Tony _________________________________ "My back was in pain but I did the YJD Yoda style class and guess what the PAIN IS GONE and my back Freed up during the Class! in 1 session ! " Further more... " I also want you to know you're an incredible teacher I've learnt more with you that I can apply in a few weeks , than I ever have with any teacher" Laura __________________________________ Lyn who is over 60 years young ... "I was able to do a quite respectable jump kick (its been a while) and I was quite impressed with myself ! the stretching is obviously working " extra comments from Lyn... "I have a martial arts background, training into my 50's, but my joints were protesting, so I gave up martial arts and did Tai Chi for a while, which I loved, but just needed a faster, harder pace. Graham Healy is a very good teacher: clear, practical and patient-in my experience. I am able to train at my own pace. His warm up/rehabilitative exercises are really helpful. I've experienced no pain in training, and some aches and pains I had are now gone. I enjoy the training sessions. We have fun, learn lots and have a nice group. Learning Yun Jung Do, including the very practical self defense instruction, makes me feel more confident in myself and fit, as a 63 year old woman" Lyn (senior student) __________________________________________ Every morning my Lower Back and hip area made it very difficult to walk due to tightness of this area, after continued "Yoda Style " stretching the problem has now resolved and no more stiffness in the morning Tim __________________________________________ "I have increased my flexibility by 20 % in 4 weeks ! " Graham ________________________________________ 20 to 60 % more flexibility within 4-6 weeks of regular classes Guaranteed ! I have been instructing people in YJD :Rehab Yoda Style" for over 30 years and the system simply works Senior YJD Instructor Graham Healy (master personal trainer & sports coach 5 years med-science-chiropractic degree final year 2021) _______________________________________ START A CLASS TODAY! YOU CAN DO SEPERATELY FROM THE YJD MARTIAL ARTS-HUMAN ART CLASSES IF YOU PREFER (*separate pricing applies see below ) _____________________________________________ Casual 30 min class $25 20 visits $220 ($11 per class*) *Best Value FREE YODA STYLE T-Shirt with 20 visit pass sign up here www.afterpay.com Afterpay now available (allows 4 payments in 2weekly installments ) EASY ! Healy's Integrated self-defense Academy ( Healy's Health ABN 50-7110604-560) operates under a license agreement with Yun Jung Do but as a distinct separate business enity Healys lower back Pain Healy's Super Supplements Execuitive Self-defence YJD Childrens Classes Womens Self-defense Special Groups self-defense INTEGRATED COMBAT Click this flyer and it will take you through to Healy's Lower Back Pain web site all part of the Healy's INTEGRATED SYSTEM Healy's Integrate the YJD stretching system as a rehabilitation system to maintain and correct subluxations in the spine and limbs. This gives you a system to apply continuously with a purpose rather then boring old 'physio' exercises that you will never stick to why not do a stretching system WITH A PURPOSE Grandmaster Yun pictured here in some of his extreme stretching , this is a sample of the YJD stretching system . YOU WILL DO A MODIFIED VERSION as not all of us a super flexible as GM Yun . You will normally increase from where you are NOW to +50% improvement in 6 weeks of consistent YJD stretching. THE BONUS is LOWER BACK PAIN DISAPPEARS in most cases. WHY ? Because YJD stretching stretches the attached ligaments and tendons like no other rehab system. REHAB WITH A PURPOSE ! also Graham will advise you on best nutrition plan to complement the movements of spine and limbs . Healy's Integrate the YJD stretching system as a rehabilitation system to maintain and correct subluxations in the spine and limbs. This gives you a system to apply continuously with a purpose rather then boring old 'physio' exercises that you will never stick to why not do a stretching system WITH A PURPOSE back to top of Page back to top of Page THE NEXT GENERATION YJD Lower Back Pain THE NEXT GENERATION YJD-INTEGRATED Gallery PDF of Graham Healy's Musculo Skeletal Therapy scope
Programs (207)
- Step 2 Medical form to be completed
as above fill out and hand in to Graham Healy Adults membership form Under 16 years membership form
- 4 Skinfolds measurements
as above if required