Healy's Commando Krav maga
Integrated Combat Solutions
Due to spam only members can subscribe to this web site you must book a call and speak to me personally
Only paid up students can be a Member. inquiries?
Only paid up students can be a Member. inquiries?

Images used are historical records
Why I resigned twice from Mr Yun
INTEGRITY of * MIND * BODY * SPIRIT is our Core PRINCIPAL Master Graham Healy
Yun Jung Do-Healy & HISDA Healy's Intergraded Self-defense Academy are registered separate business entities under Healy's Health
all images used on this web site are for the purpose of promoting Yun Jung Do-Healy & HISDA
Master Graham Healy is a Original founding International Instructor of Yun Jung Do in 1988 History click HERE
Note: AFTER PAY payment plans (available) = 4 payments ( 1 every 2 weeks ) AFTER PAY appears on last page of pmt checkout
Note: AFTER PAY payment plans (available) = 4 payments ( 1 every 2 weeks ) AFTER PAY appears on last page of pmt checkout
Authorised Business members page
YJD/HISDA members may operate a personal business apart from their training but wish to promote that business with other members here are the rules .
All business approvals must authorised personally by Graham Healy
(reason this is my registered business Healy's Health ABN 50-711-604-560) and operates under a license agreement with Yun Jung Do but as a distinct separate business entity)
Your business is not in competition or conflicting with Healy's Health products or services but is complementing Healy's Health and other members approved businesses. .
Approval must be in writing via email stating a case as to why you want approval and giving an undertaking that you will honour the rules or guidelines written here (a signed returned form will be held as a agreement between you and Healy's Health.
Once approved, your name, business card, and web site will be listed on this page for all members to access . (this will remain as long as you are a current member of YJD/HISDA Healy's Health.)
Network marketing businesses ?
No network marketing will be conducted under the Healy's Health business umbrella, no taking members phone numbers, or address, setting up network-marketing meetings, or pushing any unauthorised advertising ,brochures or flyers etc.
IF AUTHORISED you may only retail products and services to YJD/HISDA members provided these products or services DO NOT CONFLICT or COMPETE with any Healy's Health products or services are the other authorised members products or services.
( Reason? You have not paid rent or have any partnership in this business (Healy's Health) YJD/HISDA nor have contributed to the start up costs to establish this business therefore its is common sense that you respect the legal separation of business entities and keep that separation and do not blur any lines .
Other Events run by Healy's Health YJD/HISDA these include Promotions, Gradings and gradings dinners and any official YJD/HISDA workshops are all covered in the outline of point 5.
The interpersonal relationships of YJD/HISDA and Healy's Health is based on Personal INTEGRITY and Transparency . Social interaction between members are not for the purpose of 'prospecting business' clients into 'network marketing' meetings etc .
That is disingenuous very disappointing if somebody suddenly finds out the only reason you are friendly to them is to 'sell them something'. This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated in the YJD/HISDA Healy's Health family.
CORRECT APPROACH if a YJD/HISDA Healy's Health member wishes to purchase any product or service from another AUTHORIZED MEMBER it will be done in a respectful personalised way respecting the relationships first and foremost and never pushing a product or service but complementing and supplying a need to the member the preferred method is RETAILING ONLY not network marketing.
EXAMPLES building services, air-condition services, video production services, health supplements (non competing) muscular skeletal , dry needling etc , beauty services ,upholstery services etc